Thursday, February 6, 2025

Is Telenor’s New Commercial an Outright Duplicate of an Old Saudi Advertisement, Other than Being Cringe-Worthy?

Have you observed the modern Telenor commercial and feel horrified and cringe each time it hits your TV screen? Well, you’re not alone. Anybody with the scarcest sense of imagination would share the sentiment. If you haven’t, the preface could be a man attempting to elude Telenor signals to maintain a strategic distance from rehashed calls from his spouse (the ‘big boss’) whose birthday he’s overlooked. No matter how distant absent he runs or how difficult he tries, he can’t beat Telenor’s signals (and you examined that right!).


The wince fest doesn’t halt there. The helper who is making a difference in his dreamer wander takes the call imitating the well-known female voice that tells the caller on the off chance that the dialed number is fueled off. Turns out, it’s the video call that he has gotten. Busted! Worse still, it doesn’t conclusion on fair the bad-taste note. As spotted (studied caught) by the eagle-eyed promoting devotee ‘The Advertisement Frantic Dude’, the advertisement is additionally an obtrusive duplicate of an ancient commercial of the Saudi telecom company Mobily.

Well, in all genuineness, not the whole advertisement could be a duplicate as the Telenor adaptation has numerous ‘creative’ add-ons in it. But the idea, for beyond any doubt, is stolen from the Saudi advertisement where a man is additionally attempting in vain to escape Mobily’s signals in a beautiful comparative manner. But, there are numerous individuals who really just like the Telenor advertisement, finding it clever and distinctive from the Saudi one. Since all imagination is subjective, we’ll let you be the judge and tell us in case you too think the advertisement is ineffectively executed and a duplicate of the Mobily commercial.




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