Tandlianwala, Punjab – In a shocking incident that has raised serious questions about police security, three brothers in police custody were killed in a brazen attack on Tandlianwala Sadar Police Station early this morning. A fourth individual, their cousin, was critically injured in the assault.
According to police reports, unidentified assailants scaled the rear wall of the police station using a ladder and stormed the facility. The on-duty sentry exchanged fire with the attackers, but they managed to reach the cell where the brothers were being held. The attackers then opened fire indiscriminately, killing the three detainees.
The deceased, identified as Usman, Nasir, and Bilal, were members of the Sikhera community and had been arrested by Tandlianwala City Police on charges of murder and terrorism. They were reportedly involved in a long-standing feud with the Kharal community and were transferred to the Sadar Police Station for their safety.
Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, has taken immediate notice of the incident and ordered a thorough investigation. He has also directed the City Police Officer (CPO) Faisalabad to ensure the swift apprehension of those involved in the attack.
CPO Kamran Adil, along with senior officers and a heavy police contingent, rushed to the scene following the incident. The SP Investigation Faisalabad and CIA teams have already taken six suspects into custody for questioning.
This daring attack has sent shockwaves through the community and raised concerns about the security of police stations in the region. Authorities are investigating how the assailants managed to breach the police station’s defenses and carry out the killings.