Friday, March 7, 2025 – Knowing Every “Pata – Knowing Every “Pata

Pakistan`s premiere real estate portal has launched two campaigns since late 2015. The campaigns revolve around the slogan “Har Pata Humein Pata Hai”.  The idea behind these campaigns is to promote the portal`s reliability and trustworthiness in providing people solutions according to their needs.Searching for property online has seen a climb as of late as changes in external broadcast communications framework permit more individuals to trawl the internet (as indicated by Pakistan Telecommunications Authority, the quantity of 3G and 4G users ascended by 15 million between July 2015 and April 2016). Furthermore, the capacity to incorporate photos and even videos on classifieds sites implies purchasers can for all intents and purposes visit properties from the comfort of their seats.In 2006, brothers Zeeshan and Imran Ali Khan set up as a space for individuals to promote properties available to be purchased or lease. It was run by a small group of people and the growth of the company was natural and the attention it got was purely on the basis of word-of-mouth. In 2012, the organization got considerable foreign investment which permitted it to reinforce its backend operations and scale up its on-field existence fundamentally. Staff developed from under 50 to more than 600 individuals, innovative designing of the website reformedvisitor communication, and centered content improvement pushed its standingas being a strong source of data. Supplementary backing, including a print classifieds daily paper, a sleek print magazine and annual pieces further manufactured the site’s standing in the realm of property exchanging.Ibrahim Suheyl, Director Marketing,, says that despite the fact that he doesn’t have reported information on the general pattern of browsing for property on the web, “the number of yearly visitors to in 2011-12 was less than the number of visitors we now get in a month.”Trusting it now had the strength to convey on its guarantee of making the procedure offinding property simple and straightforward (and in conjunction with a second round of speculation), in 2015 the organization launched their marketing effort. “Suheyl says that despite the fact that the advertising efforts are guided towards individuals hoping to purchase or lease property, their real paying clients are real estate agents and property developers who buy postings and promotion space. A ‘listing’ is simply a detailed description of the property along with photographs and videos. Sold in bundles costing anyplace from Rs 5,000 to a hundred of thousands of rupees, listings can be plain, or updated at an additional expense to Hot and Superhot (intended to appear at the highest point of the indexed lists). This doesn’t, in any case, imply that the normal Akbars and Aalias can’t take an interest in the exchanging procedure. People who wish to advertise on get five fundamental postings complimentary when they join, with the choice to pay additional to move up to hot or Superhot.Suheyl clarifies that as a lead-producing organization, after they sell postings to real estate professionals, the organization should then create attention from involved individuals for the benefit of their customers and this is the motivation behind why they picked mass-scope TV to put their message out.The TVCs were broadcasted on both standard and local channels amid daytime and additionally in primetime transmissions. TV is likewise a successful method for connecting with abroad Pakistanis given that most real channels have a worldwide viewership and as per Suheyl, “thirty five percent of our web traffic, which is 3.5 million per month, comes from outside Pakistan and the convenience angle for us is huge.”Haseeb Malik, Marketing Manager,, adds that the aim of marketing at the moment is to build the brand because their “audience is literally anyone with access to the internet.”The organization’s endeavors to be as comprehensive as could be expected under the circumstances are clear; clients can see the site in Urdu and English, and the properties promoted range from Abbottabad to Wazirabad, over a sum of 105 urban communities.Regardless of the wide reach, Malik says the present activevisitor base stays constrained to SECs and B in light of better web infrastructure in the bigger cities, in spite of the fact that the ascent of cell phones has unquestionably helpedSuheyl notes that most people accessing’s mobile app are the general public and not agents on the go.Additionally the company aims that the campaign should develop brand loyalty amid the potential customers long before they come to the market.As Malik puts it, “Youngsters between the ages of 18 and 20 do not need property now, but five years from today when they are looking for a rental close to their university, should be the first place they check.”Furthermore, it might well be, for’sexistence on the web is robust. It is the 83rd most gone to site in Pakistan (Source: and the nearest equivalent contender is which checks in at number 674.Indeed, even along these lines, this nonexistence of a parallel competitor does not mean is not taking consideration to cover all bases. Both Suheyl and Malik are firm that the primary motivation behind the battle is to develop the brand, yet one can’t miss the dig at a specific comprehensive business sector gateway. To be sure, the indistinguishable blasts of saucy giggling in light of this inquiry give the game away. Says Suheyl, “We are just pointing out that as a vertical portal we are much more targeted than any other horizontal portal out there that offers real estate along with everything else. We are dedicated, so we are always, always going to provide the best experience.”





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