Additional Secretary and Senior Joint Secretary MOIT&T visited HQ Special Communications Organization (SCO)
Additional Secretary Mr. Sher Afgan Khan and Senior Joint Secretary Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom (MoIT&T) Mr. Taha Bughti visited SCO on 7 Aug 2020. On arrival, a briefing was given to the officials about SCO including SCO’s initiatives for Gilgit Baltistan (GB) and Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K) during COVID 19 Pandemic, ongoing and planned projects and laying of 820 Km optical fiber cable from Khunjrab to Rawalpindi under CPEC framework, in Phase 1 and on proposed phase-II of the project.
later on the Additional Secretary and Senior Joint Secretary visited Pak China Datacenter and NGMS building and appreciated the modern facilities available with SCO.