Technology and Business News from Pakistan



Kashmore, Sindh – August 11, 2024

The flood situation at Guddu Barrage has taken a turn for the worse, with water inflow reaching a record level of 424,825 cusecs. The Control Room in Kashmore has recorded a water release of 401,243 cusecs, with a further increase in water level during the test at the Control Room in Kushmore.

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued a flood advisory, warning of high flood levels in River Indus at Guddu and Sukkur Barrages. The affected areas include over 100 villages in Sindh, with 80% of the kutcha area between Guddu and Pano Aqil inundated.

The authorities are on high alert, with emergency measures being taken to mitigate the impact of the flood. The situation is being closely monitored, and further updates are expected as the situation develops.

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