Huge Ratio of Waves On Sun Observed By NYU Abu Dhabi Solar Physicist
So here we will be discussing the Huge Ratio of Waves On Sun Observed By NYU Abu Dhabi Solar Physicist. ABU DHABI. (UrduPoint. Pakistan Point News/WAM – 29 Aug 2021). Laurent Gizon from New York University (NYU), Abu Dhabi, is the Centre for Space Science’s Co-Principal Investigator. She has found massive swirling waves that travel 125,000 miles below Earth’s surface.
Gizon, representing the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany, and the
University of Gottingen (Germany), made the discovery along with a team of researchers, following a decade of observation from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.
The global oscillations found by the Sun were discovered through this study. These oscillations are similar in duration to the 27 day solar rotation period. The swirling motions of the oscillations can be seen at the solar surface at speeds up to three miles per hour.
In the 1960s, high musical notes on the Sun were discovered. Since the mid-1990s, ground-based telescopes have continuously recorded 5-minute oscillations. These oscillations have been used by helioseismologists to study the star’s internal structure.
In addition to the 5-minute waves, many longer-period oscillations were predicted to exist in stars more than 40 years ago but had not been identified on the Sun until now.
Gizon stated that “The discovery of a novel type of solar oscillations has been exciting. It allows us to infer certain properties, such the strength of convective driven, which ultimately control solar dynamo.” The solar dynamo is believed to be responsible for the Sun’s surface features that change in intensity over the 11-year cycle of solar activity.
These oscillations will provide new ways to probe and understand the Sun’s internal structure and dynamics. Astronomy & Astrophysics published their findings in its latest edition. So, the Huge Ratio of Waves On Sun Observed By NYU Abu Dhabi Solar Physicist is a great observation.