CVE Media Training & Awards 2018
On February 17, 2018;Pakistan Peace Collective a project of Federal Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, National History & Literary Heritage held PurAzm Awards Ceremony and Certificate Distribution 2018 at Information Services Academy Islamabad, this ceremony was also a closing day for a five day training workshop aimed at deeper understanding of the violent extremismand the role of media in countering it.

Mohsin Butt Deputy National Coordinator National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA)graced the closing session of the workshop and awards ceremony, He stated that “Government of Pakistan is working on national narrative to confront violent extremism in all its forms. TheMinistry of Information’s project “Pakistan Peace Collective” under which we all are here is initiated years back to address these issues though research and communication strategies.”

Participantsto the training and winners to the awards ceremony were students, artists, journalists from all over the Pakistan respective to their regions, including Quetta, Karachi, Bahawalpur, Lahore, Malakand, Peshawar, Islamabad& Rawalpindi. Through the platform of PurAzm Pakistan, they not only got the opportunity to learn about media products but also sharedit for competition on the subject of CVE (Countering Violent Extremism).
In Students’ training, throughout the different sessions, the trainers’ approach consistently relied on some local and international case studies including Mashal Khan Case, Malala’s Issue, Attack on Ariana Grande Concert Manchester UK and Quebec Mosque Attack Canada, were used to apply framing and propaganda models to existing and diversified contexts.
Whereas the winners of PurAzm Competition were awarded under the themes of Peace over Violence, Interfaith Harmony and Resilience against Violent Extremism in which they submitted products in the categories of Photographs, Short Films/ Documentaries/ News Packages, Text Stories and Digital Creative Content. In the video documentary category AmeerHamza from BUITEMS Quetta got the first prize, Hassan Butt from UMT Lahore got the second and Fatima Riaz from Lahore College for Women University got third prize. In the category of Painting Saba Saeed from NCA Lahore got the first prize, JamilAyan got the second prize and Usman Khalid for third prize. NACTA also awarded one prize in the category of Posters and digital content, whichUsamaAshfaq from NCA Rawalpindi got rewarded. In professional documentary Mr. Ejaz Ahmed Niazi received the award. In the category of News Package Qasim Shah from NEO NEWS got first prize, Ms. Sheeba GEO TV got second prize and Mr. Imran from Dunya News got third prize. In the category of Text stories Khadija Khan got first prize, Meimuna got third prize and FazalKhaliq got third prize.